Why we stay quiet about our pain

Some people just want to keep their pain to themselves and one of the reason to do so is because they don;t want to depress other people. Specially when the other people cannot even fix the problem its mean to share your pain and depress the as well. This being said, the world tries to ignore your pain because deep inside your pain depresses them as well and they don't want to feel depressed so they just turn you down out of selfishness or because maybe they are silently suffering and can't afford to be even more depressed by your pain.

Like when people ask you how you are, you just say fine because you know they really don't care and don't want to bore them. Wonderfully sad right? There are few who really understand almost are the one who have gone through pains like yours. But the majority do not understand. To deal with it alone is a pain and to share with someone also a pain as this is how other people respond to our pain.

1 comment:

  1. feel ya...usually I write it on my diary..feel good after write about it



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