I love seeing myself handling things better than my old self would have

As time goes by, you become less active on social media compared to before. For some, you only post when you want and can, because you have other commitments. Some people may have missed your updates, and you might have missed theirs.

It's okay. We’ve learned not to care as much because as we grow, we just crave peace. We should have a better understanding by now – we’re adults with limits, and everyone has their own life. Appreciate the little things. Some of us just want to lay low and post what we like, not keeping up with trends, just living life and posting for memories.

It is what it is, while it lasts.

We can't always stay in touch with everyone anymore; it can be exhausting. Be kind to everyone and to yourself. Do your best, let go, and let God. There are things that, if they're truly our priorities, we should fight for and find ways to keep in our lives. Life is too short to let go of people or things that have been there for us. But for the sake of our peace, sometimes we have to accept when things happen and say, "Well, you know what, things happened. Qadarullah wa maa shaa’fa’al – Allah made it happen, and whatever He wills, He does. He knows best while we don’t."

See the good in everything and be grateful. People make mistakes with us, and we’ve made mistakes with others. If we’re in the wrong, we should ask for forgiveness. And if we seek peace, we should forgive. Allah is just. Don’t worry. As we grow older, let's not foolishly sacrifice what we have or our inner peace to fight for things that are uncertain. If others leave, there's no replacement.

Whoever remains, remains. That’s it.

What’s done is done. Let it be. There’s always wisdom behind it.

“…Perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah knows, while you know not.” – (2:216)

Happy Anniversary

Happy 4th Anniversary, sayang. 

I love you more than you ever imagined. I love you with my whole life. I love you with every breath that I take. Thank you for keeping up with me and stay during my darkest time. 

I would not know what I’d do without you. I don’t think I’ll ever be sane if I lose you. 

Tapi semuanya dari Allah. Alhamdulillah

What is meant for you will always be yours

Dulu kan. Masa nak beli rumah ni. Sis bgtau my husband sis tak kisah pon rumah perumahan area mana asalkan dapat beli rumah sendiri. For me kawasan tu bukan my priority la. but my husband and my father in law yang beria nak rumah area taman ni jugak 

So bila ada iklan rumah untuk dijual mesti tak jadi la beli sbb husband dengan bapa mertua tak setuju kalau area lain. Sis yang x kisah area apa ni dah sedih dah sbb tak dpt proceed nk beli rumah.

Tapi Allah baik sangat. few months later, lepas sis habis pantang ada iklan orang jual rumah area yang my husband nak sangat- sangat tu. Dapat pulak jiran-jiran yang baik Alhamdulillah, kawasan perumahan tu pun memang terjaga.

What is meant for you will always be yours. Trust Allah. Hanya Allah je yang tau apa yang terbaik untuk kita semua so trust Him.

Kenapa kena ada jalan berliku kalau dah mmg Allah tetapkan itu untuk kita? Sebab Allah nak ajar kita untuk bersabar dan letak kepercayaan sepenuhnya pada Dia. kita akan less worry knowing that semua yang terjadi Allah dah aturkan dengan izinNya. Pujuk hati mcm tu selalu. 
InsyaAllah hati akan rasa lebih tenang.


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